Helios module type numbers
This is the numbering system that was used for Helios modules.
The following is taken from the original paper documentation with some mild re-formatting applied to aid clarity.
Every module or plug-in panel has a four figure type number:
- the first figure gives the panel size of the module
- the second and third figures (00 to 99) define its function
- the fourth figure identifies the particular design within the size and function, ie No. 1, No 2, etc.
0 = module 1.8” (45mm) wide, any height (fits earlier Helios equipment, e.g. PS series)
1 = not used for modules to avoid confusion with custom consoles whose numbers are e.g. 1068
2 = 40mm wide (1.6”), 190mm high (7½”)
3 = 40mm wide, 285mm high (1½ units)
4 = 40mm wide, 380mm high (2 units)
5 = 40mm wide, 475mm high (2½ units)
6 = 80mm wide
7 = modules designed for the Series 7 (standard) console range
8 = 35mm or 30mm wide
9 = any other size of plug in unit
Sizes 2 to 6 conform to the European broadcast panel sizes but the depth and connector arrangement are not identical.
A unit designed to be a direct plug-in in German broadcast equipment will be prefixed D, or for Nordic N10 system N.
Units designed to fit North American dimensions (1½” x 7” etc.) will have the prefix A instead of the first figure.
00 0 Blank front panel
00 1 Empty module with chassis
01 Input and equaliser
02 Input, equaliser and routing
03 Input and routing, no equaliser
04 Routing (auxiliary)
05 Equaliser
06 Echo send
07 Echo send and return
08 Echo return
09 Foldback (cue) send
10 General auxiliary output
11 Talkback send
12 Return Talkback/Intercom
13 Compressor Limiter
14 Expander or noise gate
15 Track Monitor (single track)
16 Tone Oscillator
17 Headphones Monitor
18 Loudspeaker Monitor Drive
19 Meter Switching module
20 Phasing Effect
21 Fuzz-Distort unit
22 Telephone effect or filters
23 Modules containing various switches
‘9’ units (odd sizes)
Function may be designated as above, but in addition there are the following categories:
93 (+01 - 99) = Central Monitor Units “CMUs”
94 01 etc = Track Monitoring (multiple panels)
95 01 etc = Channel to Group Selection arrangements